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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Компания Телефункен (Telefunken) была одной из тех, что стояли у истоков звука в начале двадцатого века. Радиотехника с маркой этого германского производителя была известна по всей Европе, Советский Союз, в силу исторических причин, тоже имел непосредственное отношение к истории немецкой фирмы.


В наши дни Telefunken – это компания, успешно сочетающая в своей деятельности многолетние традиции с самыми передовыми технологиями в области разработок и производства. В мире высоких технологий телекоммуникаций имя Telefunken по-прежнему является синонимом высочайшей надежности и настоящего германского качества.


Since the company´s foundation as TELEFUNKEN Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie mbH (Wireless Telegraphy Company Limited) in 1903, the TELEFUNKEN brand has stood for the basic principles of German engineering, namely high quality, innovation and outstanding performance, coupled with classic design. In spite of, yet also because of its chequered history, TELEFUNKEN still ranks among today´s strong global brands in the consumer electronics sector. Since 2007, the rights to the trademark have been held by TELEFUNKEN Licenses GmbH, a company owned by TELEFUNKEN SE, based in Frankfurt am Main. Together with companies belonging to the TELEFUNKEN Partner Alliance, a worldwide network of independent enterprises, and as a result of interests held by TELEFUNKEN´s shareholders, products reflecting the traditional brand values are once again being developed and distributed in the fields of consumer electronics, innovative lighting technology, major electrical appliances smart building/home control, IT, security, communications electronics and healthcare.
In these business segments, TELEFUNKEN provides its partners with rights to use the brand, as well as multiple support services, offering swift market entry and profitable growth, while setting partners apart from the competition by ensuring unique products. At the same time, TELEFUNKEN implements continuous quality control and checks standards, as well as generating innovative ideas and clear design specifications to guarantee that the profile and positioning of TELEFUNKEN products distributed by its partners meet the brand´s commitment to perform and also contribute to its traditional brand values.
In addition, equity interests held by the present TELEFUNKEN SE shareholders have, for instance, again given rise to a new, fast-growing and self-sufficient industrial business segment. Enterprises such as TELEFUNKEN Licht AG, TELEFUNKEN Smart Building GmbH and TELEFUNKEN Autotainment GmbH are following the brand´s tradition and once more developing their own innovative products and business ideas, each setting new trends in its market sector.
Our aim is to successfully re-establish TELEFUNKEN worldwide as a gem of German industry, developing the name to become one of the most sought-after brands in the consumer and electronics industry. In addition to joint activities on the part of the TELEFUNKEN Partner Alliance, ongoing expansion of the industrial business sector, including its own development and production of new TELEFUNKEN products, will play a significant role in achieving this future goal.




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