
Список производителей электронных компонентов.

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World Products

World Products, LLC. HeadquartersAs doing business in today’s complex business environment becomes more difficult, companies that offer both service and quality become scarce. World Products, LLC (WP) offers real solutions to manufacturing and supply line issues with an electronic component product offering that is synergistic and focused on the major markets it serves, including Automotive, Telecom, Industrial, Power Supply, Surge Suppression, Consumer and Wireless. This enables WP to provide more products and product lines, eliminating the need for multiple suppliers.


WP adds additional value in today’s competitive markets with its award-winningcustomer service and technical support, providing customers with environmentally and technologically advanced products while delivering the highest quality at competitive prices. It further extends this value by providing fully equipped on-site laboratory facilities, supplying customers with the support and data they need and enabling them to select the proper components for each application. This, plus a world-wide distribution network, help our customers successfully compete in a global market.


Knowing that our customers must compete in this global economy, WP offers an extensive network of international offices, representatives and distributors to provide product and service anywhere, seamlessly extending support and supply to every corner of the world. In order to more fully extend this reach, on September 1, 2008 World Products, LLC opened a sales office in Shenzhen, China, staffed with experienced personnel to assist its customers with their electronic component requests and purchasing.


Our subsidiary, WP Wireless - a division of World Products, LLC, is also comprised of highly qualified engineers who work directly with leading OEMs to successfully integrate antenna technology into products promising optimum performance. WP Wireless is unique in iWorld Productsts ability to offer total solutions via its diverse antenna technology product offering and full turn-key design capabilities. Though a comparatively new division (established in 2002), WP Wireless has already distinguished itself by receiving Frost and Sullivan’s “Best Practices Award.”

We recognize that true value can only be measured over time, and we are very proud to say that we have served the electronics industry for more than 39 years. When you purchase a WP component, you've not only purchased the correct, high-quality component, you've also engaged all WP resources to help you advance your business. Find out why World Products, LLC is the choice of companies around the world.

Логотип: World Products



Во время ремонта телевизора не ставьте настольную лампу на его корпус.
Она обязательно упадёт и отобьёт горловину кинескопа.

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