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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Sino-foreign joint venture in the IC industry ofChina. After the restructuring and listing in August 1998, it changed its nameto Shanghai Belling Co., Ltd. and became the first listed company in China’s ICindustry. In 1999, ShanghaiYidian Holding transferred its state shares in Shanghai Belling toShanghai Huahong (Group) Co., Ltd., making Shanghai Huahong the biggest shareholderof the Company. In 2009, Huahong Group was reorganized through separation andCEC (China Electronics Corporation) became the Company’s largest shareholder.In July 2015, CEC gratuitously transferred its 26.45% shares in ShanghaiBelling Co., Ltd. to Huada Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Huada Semiconductor thenbecame the largest shareholder of Shanghai Belling and CEC remained to be theactual controller. Mr. Dong Haoran is the current chairman of Shanghai Belling.

Shanghai Belling is a representativeenterprise that successfully attracted foreign investment and introducedadvanced foreign technology at the beginning of China’s reform and opening up.It set an example for the development of China’s IC industry, and promoted therevitalization of China’s microelectronics industry and the rapid developmentof the program-controlled landline communications industry. The Company has wonnumerous awards and has long enjoyed a leading edge and played an exemplaryrole in the industry. CPC and state leaders of several generations, includingDeng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao successively visited the Company.

Shanghai Belling is located inShanghai Caohejing New Technology Development Zone and became a state-certifiedenterprise technology center in 1999. It was rated as a Shanghai IntellectualProperty Demonstration Enterprise in 2007, has won “China Patent ExcellenceAward” for 3 times, won “First Prize in Shanghai Invention Patent Award” and “ShanghaiUtility Model Patent Award” for once respectively. As of the end of 2017, theCompany (including subsidiaries) has applied for 593 patents and holds 398authorized patents, including 187 invention patents. The Company has a total of241 IC layout design registrations and 10 software copyrights.

The Company was certified as an ICdesign company in 2008 and started to provide analog and hybrid digital-analog ICsand system solutions. At present, the Company’s IC product business covers fivemajor product areas, namely metering and SoC, power management, general-purposeanalog, non-volatile memory, and high-speed and high-accuracy ADCs. The maintarget markets are those needing various industrial and consumer electronicssuch as electricity meters, mobile phones, LCD TVs, flat panel displays, andset-top boxes. The Company has actively established sales channels, maintainedgood cooperation with major chip manufacturers and sales channels, and has establisheda complete marketing network system. Transformed from the IDM model, the Companyhas unique insight into and practical experience in production, operation andquality assurance and therefore has core competitiveness in operation guarantee.

In recent years, the Company hasinvested in the R&D of smart meter SoC chips, high-speed and high-precisionADCs, and mid-to-high end power management products. In 2017, it acquired 100% equity of Renergy Micro-Technologies (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.by issued shares and cash,becoming the industryleader in the State Grid bidding market and further strengthening its abilityto provide smart metering solutions. In the future, the Company will continueto increase the R&D input in IC chips in areas such as smart metering andindustrial control. It will remain committed to providing clients with hybrid analogand digital-analog ICs and system solutions and solving IC supply andapplication issues for industrial control and consumer application clientsrelying on our excellent product cost-effectiveness. It will continue theefforts in becoming a top domestic supplier of analog ICs and solutions.




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